Fédération bancaire française
Association loi 1901
- Registernummer: R005456
- Ersteintrag: 15.11.2022
- Letzte Änderung: 10.10.2024
- Letzte Jahresaktualisierung: 26.06.2024
Wirtschaftsverband oder Gewerbeverband/-verein
18, rue La Fayette75440 Paris cedex 09ParisFrankreich
Telefonnummer: +33148005252
- Webseiten:
(in absteigender Reihenfolge):
Geschäftsjahr: 01/23 bis 12/23Mitgliedsbeiträge
Jährliche finanzielle Aufwendungen im Bereich der Interessenvertretung:
Geschäftsjahr: 01/23 bis 12/2340.001 bis 50.000 Euro
Vollzeitäquivalent der im Bereich der Interessenvertretung beschäftigten Personen:
Geschäftsjahr: 01/23 bis 12/230,00
Betraute Personen, die Interessenvertretung unmittelbar ausüben (10):
- Maya Atig
- Etienne Barel
- Benjamin Quatre
- Antoine Garnier
- Slawomir Krupa
- Daniel Baal
- Stéphane Dedeyan
- Nicolas Namias
- Jean-Laurent Bonnafé
- Philippe Brassac
Gesamtzahl der Mitglieder:
326 Mitglieder am 01.01.2024, ausschließlich juristische Personen, Personengesellschaften oder sonstige Organisationen
Interessen- und Vorhabenbereiche (6):
Internationale Beziehungen; Sonstiges im Bereich "Außenpolitik und internationale Beziehungen"; EU-Binnenmarkt; EU-Gesetzgebung; Sonstiges im Bereich "Europapolitik und Europäische Union"; Bank- und Finanzwesen
- Die Interessenvertretung wird ausschließlich in eigenem Interesse selbst wahrgenommen.
Beschreibung der Tätigkeit:
The purpose of the French Banking Federation is to promote banking and financial activity in France, Europe and internationally. It defines the profession’s positions and proposals vis-à-vis the public authorities and economic and financial authorities. It includes 326 banking institutions, including 116 foreign banks*. Regardless of their size and legal status, credit institutions authorised as banks and branches of credit institutions in the European Economic Area are automatically members, if they so wish, of the FBF, which then acts as their professional body. The central institutions of cooperative or mutual bank groups and the AFB are also automatically members**. Based in Paris, the FBF also has an office in Brussels. It is a member of the European Banking Federation (EBF) and represents the banking industry in many national, European and international organisations, including the IIF and IBFed. The FBF is also present throughout France through a network of 101 regional and departmental committees. This network mobilises more than 1,500 bankers who are in regular dialogue with local business representatives and public authorities, and relay the industry's positions. * As of 1 January 2024. ** The French Banking Association (AFB) sits on the FBF’s Executive Committee. It is the professional body of commercial banks in the social field (collective agreement of the bank).
Outline what should be focus points of any future legislative or regulatory measures in the context of advancing the Capital Markets Union (CMU)
Convince that stronger capital markets in Europe would be a competitive advantage for our corporates, increase the pool of private capital and liquidity needed for investments, and allow banks to offer a larger variety of products and services. Striving for a CMU continues to be a suitable policy tool for opening new sources of financing through a higher attractiveness of more integrated capital markets in the EU
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Digital Euro : Express reservations regarding the usefulness of this draft text
Highlight all European payment solutions meeting the needs of European consumers and ensuring the sovereignty of Europe, whether existing pan-European instruments (transfer, direct debit, instant transfer) or in development such as the European Payment Initiative (EPI)
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
EU Taxonomy & CSRD : Improving the inclusion of transition funding in the taxonomy
Convince of the importance of defining, for each sector of activity in the Taxonomy, target trajectories based on science allowing it to achieve its environmental commitments: decarbonization, adaptation to climate change, preservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, reduction of harmful subsidies to the environment, limitation of the importation into the EU of products resulting from deforestation, etc.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Retail Investment Strategy : Preserve the universal access of European savers to the advisory service
Preserve the economic system of distribution of financial products based on inducements, in force in almost all countries of the European Union and yet called into question by this draft text, in order to preserve, notably the universal access of European savers to the service of advice
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Crisis management and deposit insurance : Preserve the level playing field conditions between European banks
Advocate for a balance between financial stability and strengthening the competitiveness of European banks. The requirements should be reasonable and apply to all banks, regardless of their size, otherwise it could create distortions of competition
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
European Union Securitization Framework review : Increase the competitiveness of the European securitization and its actors
Make proposals to ensure that the European securitization plays a more important role in financing the economy and making Europe more competitive
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Payment Services Regulation : Advocate for a greater consideration of the liability of the whole payment chain
Avoid the implementation of automatic reimbursement of Payment Services Providers in the event of a fraudulent transaction. Clarify the definition of the concept of consent to uphold the principle of irrevocability of payment. Advocate for a greater responsibility of telecommunications operators.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Achieving data sharing successfully conditional on the definition of a solid security framework and a market-led phasing-in of the FIDA regulation
Advocate for a solid security framework to maintain a high level of trust between financial service providers and customers and for a market-led phasing-in of the FIDA Regulation proposal based on use cases identified prior to the development of costly data sharing schemes
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Die Interessenvertretung wird nicht im Auftrag ausgeübt.
Geschäftsjahr: 01/23 bis 12/23
Keine Zuwendungen oder Zuschüsse über 10.000 Euro erhalten.
Geschäftsjahr: 01/23 bis 12/23
0 Euro
Geschäftsjahr: 01/23 bis 12/23
20.310.001 bis 20.320.000 Euro
Beitragszahler mit mehr als 10.000 Euro und mehr als 10% der Gesamtsumme (3):
Geschäftsjahr: 01/23 bis 12/23