Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME)
The company is limited by guarantee without share capital
- Registernummer: R001235
- Ersteintrag: 24.02.2022
- Letzte Änderung: 18.12.2024
- Letzte Jahresaktualisierung: 28.06.2024
Wirtschaftsverband oder Gewerbeverband/-verein
Level 10, 20 Churchill PlaceE14 5HJLondonVereinigtes Königreich
Telefonnummer: +442038282700
- Webseiten:
(in absteigender Reihenfolge):
Geschäftsjahr: 11/22 bis 10/23Mitgliedsbeiträge, Wirtschaftliche Tätigkeit
Jährliche finanzielle Aufwendungen im Bereich der Interessenvertretung:
Geschäftsjahr: 11/22 bis 10/23420.001 bis 430.000 Euro
Vollzeitäquivalent der im Bereich der Interessenvertretung beschäftigten Personen:
Geschäftsjahr: 11/22 bis 10/231,40
Betraute Personen, die Interessenvertretung unmittelbar ausüben (5):
- Arved Kolle
- Dr Richard Middleton
- Jacqueline Mills
- Leonardo Arcuri
- Dr. Adam Farkas
Gesamtzahl der Mitglieder:
170 Mitglieder am 31.10.2023, ausschließlich juristische Personen, Personengesellschaften oder sonstige Organisationen
Mitgliedschaften (13):
- The Global Financial Markets Association (GFMA)
- Joint Money Laundering Steering Group
- International Council of Securities Associations
- European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum
- Securities Houses Compliance Officers Group
- Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation
- European Capital Markets Institute
- TheCityUK
- Paris Europlace
- EuropeanIssuers
- Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V.
- Wirtschaftsforum der SPD e.V.
Interessen- und Vorhabenbereiche (4):
EU-Binnenmarkt; EU-Gesetzgebung; Sonstiges im Bereich "Europapolitik und Europäische Union"; Bank- und Finanzwesen
- Die Interessenvertretung wird ausschließlich in eigenem Interesse selbst wahrgenommen.
Beschreibung der Tätigkeit:
Mit rund 170 Mitgliedern ist die Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) die führende Stimme der größten globalen und europäischen Banken, die auf den Finanzmärkten in Europa tätig sind. Ziel des Verbandes ist es, für tiefe, integrierte und nachhaltige Kapitalmärkte einzutreten, die den Bedürfnissen von Unternehmen und Investoren dienen, das Wirtschaftswachstum unterstützen und der Gesellschaft zugute kommen. Der Verband ist bestrebt, die Regierung und die Mitglieder des Bundestages über die Ansichten unserer Mitglieder zur Entwicklung der Finanzdienstleistungsregulierung zu informieren, vor allem in den Bereichen der europäischen Markt- und Bankenregulierung sowie des Rahmens für nachhaltige und digitale Finanzen. Darüber hinaus setzen wir uns bei europäischen (einschließlich deutschen) politischen Entscheidungsträgern für einen Regulierungsrahmen für Finanzdienstleistungen ein, der die Bedeutung effizienter und wettbewerbsfähiger Kapitalmärkte in Europa berücksichtigt. Wir teilen auch die Ansichten unserer Mitglieder zu relevanten Entwicklungen in der deutschen Finanzdienstleistungsgesetzgebung. Der Verband erstellt Positionspapiere, antwortet auf Konsultationen und organisiert Treffen zum Meinungsaustausch über diese Themen. Der Verband erarbeitet Empfehlungen für künftige Gesetzgebungsprogramme im Bereich der Finanzdienstleistungen auf europäischer und nationaler Ebene. Außerdem veröffentlichen wir Studien und Daten zu den Kapitalmärkten und veranstalten regelmäßig Konferenzen.
Suggestions for reform of the EU regulations relating to securitisation
At the 2024 April European Council, EU leaders called for a “new European competitiveness deal” by advancing the work on the capital markets union, and by ”relaunching the European securitisation market, including through regulatory and prudential changes”. This ambition echoes the ECB Statement that suggests “reviewing the prudential treatment of securitisation for banks and insurance companies and the reporting and due diligence requirements”. The Eurogroup has also identified securitisation as a topic of priority for developing EU capital markets. In April, both the report by Enrico Letta on the Single Market and the proposals on European capital markets by Christian Noyer stressed the benefits of securitisation as a bridge between bank and capital markets-based funding.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
SG2406260051 (PDF - 30 Seiten)
Versendet am 17.06.2024 an:
Bundeskanzleramt (BKAmt) [alle SG dorthin]
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) [alle SG dorthin]
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for improving the EU regulatory framework for sustainable finance
The building blocks for the regulatory framework for sustainable finance in the EU are now in place or in the process of implementation. The last five years have seen a Herculean effort from policymakers, regulators and financial institutions to establish and implement a regulatory framework for sustainable finance. This has been done at speed and has created important new legislation aiming to facilitate the provision of finance in support of the EU’s sustainability objectives and to ensure that financial institutions manage climate and environmental risk effectively. While this has put the EU at the forefront of regulation in this area, now is an important time to take stock, provide time for implementation and reflect upon how this is working and how it can be improved.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
SG2406260041 (PDF - 46 Seiten)
Versendet am 22.03.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for refocusing the FASTER proposal on administrative simplification
Slow and complex withholding tax reclaim processes act as a barrier to efficient investment, and a simple, fast, and safe system will encourage intra-union and foreign investment. It is important to note in this context that many EU jurisdictions are presently slow to pay withholding tax reclaims and there is a significant opportunity for improvement in this area – particularly compared to certain other jurisdictions within or outside the EU offering relief at source systems.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 04.03.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for the calibration of aspects of the Net Stable Funding Ratio framework
The changes suggested by the EBA to the NSFR RSF factors for reverse repos, if implemented, could have multiple unintended consequences for primary and secondary dealing in securities given the role of repo markets at the centre of the financial system, including an increased cost for European governments wishing to finance their economic needs. This has been recognised previously by a range of policymakers in the objectives to the introduction of the transitional periods for the NSFR under the negotiation of the Capital Requirements Regulation and in response to the global BCBS’ assessment of NSFR regulations in Europe.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 18.03.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for the design of the EU Financial Data Access Regulation
The EU’s proposed Financial Data Access (FiDA) framework and Payments Services Regulation (PSR), if designed correctly, has the potential to enhance the way banks operate, encourage innovation (even across sectors, if some provisions are met) and support a more effective and efficient data ecosystem and payments system.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 03.05.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for the design of the EU Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services
Cloud service customers (CSCs) contract for cloud service on an enterprise-wide basis. CSCs based in the EU will consequently contract through their EU entity and under EU law for the receipt of cloud services that are provided across all the jurisdictions in which the CSC operates. Non-EU CSCs, on the other hand, will contract under the governing law of their home jurisdiction for the receipt of cloud services across the jurisdictions in which the CSC operates globally, which may include its businesses in the EU. Where a non-EU CSC has EU affiliates subject to EU law and regulation, they would include EU-specific terms in their contracts in order to ensure that the CSC’s receipt of services from the CSP complies with applicable EU law.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 03.05.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for addressing the challenges of use of third party artificial intelligence systems by financial institutions
While there are generic AI risks which may arise regardless of whether an AI system is developed in-house or with a third-party provider, there are particular challenges that are presented by the use by financial institutions (FIs) of third-party Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Such challenges can fall into two categories, which are broadly: third-party risks and AI-specific challenges. Since the former are partially addressed by existing regulation, this paper is focused on specific challenges introduced or exacerbated by AI as a technology. This may be particularly true of Generative AI.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 03.05.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for the EU Retail Investment Strategy
AFME strongly supports the EC’s objective of growing and making more efficient the distribution of securities to European retail investors. The Retail Investment Strategy is focused on direct and indirect retail investment. We are concerned by the many ways that the Retail Investment Strategy impacts wholesale capital markets. The vast majority of securities distributed to retail investors are sourced and manufactured by wholesale banks, asset managers and insurers. As such, the proposed changes need to carefully consider the impact on the wholesale to retail distribution chain.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
SG2406260119 (PDF - 28 Seiten)
Versendet am 12.03.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions to support stronger capital markets in Germany
Supporting the growth potential of Germany and the European Union will require significant investments over the next years and decades. An essential requirement to help meet these investment needs is the further integration of European capital markets. At national level, it is important to consider remaining barriers standing in the way of Germany developing its own national markets. Some of these relate to specific financial market activities, such as trading or listing, whilst others relate to the financial ecosystem itself, for example the tax system. Germany has addressed a number of such barriers through the Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz, and we support a further review of existing national legislation to support the German financial market ecosystem.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 19.06.2024 an:
Mitglieder des Bundestages [alle SG dorthin]
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions relating to the proposed reform of the pension system in Germany
AFME supports the Generationenkapital as measure to stabilise the existing statutory pension insurance scheme. Given that the federal budget already contributes around 100bn EUR annually to the statutory pension system, paired with demographic change and an ageing population, measures which can diversify sources of funding can contribute to stabilising the pension levels in the long term. AFME recently conducted a study with zeb Consulting on the role of the capital markets in Germany which includes a chapter comparing international pension systems.
BT-Drs. 20/11898 (Vorgang) [alle RV hierzu]
Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Stabilisierung des Rentenniveaus und zum Aufbau eines Generationenkapitals für die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung (Rentenniveaustabilisierungs- und Generationenkapitalgesetz) 1. Zuständiges Ministerium: Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle RV hierzu] 2. Zuständiges Ministerium: Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) [alle RV hierzu] -
Betroffenes geltendes Recht:
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 22.03.2024 an:
Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for scaling up and integrating EU capital markets
A strong, integrated European capital market is an essential element of the EU’s future competitiveness on the global stage. In the absence of the deep and liquid market required to meet their financing needs, the most innovative, high-growth firms are looking elsewhere – beyond Europe – to fulfil their growth potential. This situation not only undermines the EU’s economic competitiveness. It also undercuts its ability to channel investment into the green and digital transitions, to strengthen its economic security by supporting domestic firms in key strategic sectors, and to allow citizens the opportunity to benefit from productive investment in strong European companies. This paper represents AFME’s contribution to the ongoing reflections on the way forward for CMU.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
SG2409300069 (PDF - 32 Seiten)
Versendet am 22.07.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK) [alle SG dorthin]
Bundeskanzleramt (BKAmt) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for reducing bureaucracy
The Bundesregierung has agreed comprehensive measures for a Growth Initiative and a draft law for a second Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz, with the objective of improving competitiveness and making it easier for companies to access the financial markets. AFME's paper makes some additional suggestions for reduction of bureaucracy.
Betroffenes geltendes Recht:
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 09.09.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for improving the competitiveness of the capital markets in Germany
The Bundesministerium der Finanzen has published a draft law for a second Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz. The objective is to further strengthen competitiveness and to improve the financing options for young dynamic companies. AFME's paper makes some suggestions for development of the draft law to help achieve the objective.
Betroffenes geltendes Recht:
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
SG2409300076 (PDF - 12 Seiten)
Versendet am 13.09.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Justiz (BMJ) [alle SG dorthin]
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for the review of the green asset ratio
One of the priority areas that AFME members have highlighted is the need to ensure that the Green Asset Ratio (GAR) under the EU Taxonomy Regulation (“Taxonomy”) and Pillar 3 ESG disclosures is a meaningful metric. We do not believe that the GAR, as currently formulated, is achieving this objective for investors and other stakeholders. Banks also face substantial challenges in assessing the Taxonomy alignment of their clients, which in turn affect the relevance of their GAR disclosure. This paper sets out AFME’s recommendations for the upcoming review of the GAR and the Disclosures Delegated Act, in support of the Commission’s aim of scaling the impact of the Taxonomy and the broader EU framework for sustainable finance as well as the work of ESAs and the Platform on Sustainable Finance.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
SG2409300078 (PDF - 14 Seiten)
Versendet am 11.07.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for regulatory and policy changes to enable the development of DLT-based capital markets
Key to ongoing scaling DLT-based capital markets are policy and regulatory frameworks that enable – in a sound and secure way – the inclusion of innovative DLT-based business models in financial markets. European policymakers have begun to build such a framework by enabling experimentation, including through the DLT Pilot Regime and ECB wholesale CBDC trials and experiments. As DLT in capital markets are now moving into a new phase, Europe has a great opportunity to further develop a more permanent policy framework that helps Europe lead the development of DLT-based capital markets and shape DLT-based market practices and regulatory standards globally. This report focuses on the policy and regulatory changes that are necessary to enable development and growth of DLT-based capital markets.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
SG2409300086 (PDF - 28 Seiten)
Versendet am 31.07.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for regulatory changes to enable the scaling of DLT-based capital markets
The advent and advancement of distributed ledger technology (DLT) systems have created the opportunity for the EU to lead the world in building the capital markets and economy of the future, based on DLT and a network approach that in this submission we refer to as Technology Financial Infrastructure (TFI). As capital markets are a key link in the tokenised economy as well as a key driver of DLT-based innovation, urgent action is proposed to ensure that the EU capital markets regulatory framework provides a sustainable basis for a transition towards TFI.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
SG2412180045 (PDF - 37 Seiten)
Versendet am 06.11.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for a sound approach to developing an effective Open Finance Framework
While we believe that the data economy can offer new opportunities to drive economic growth through data-driven innovation and digital transformation, building a robust data economy within the financial sector calls for a focused and evidence-based approach that delivers clear benefits to European citizens and companies. As an industry, we stand ready to continue contributing to ensure the creation of a well-designed FiDA framework that can effectively support the sound development of Open Finance in the EU/EEA.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 05.11.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for the evolution of the EU banking regulatory framework
The new EU policy cycle provides an opportunity to assess the current regulatory framework to align it with the EU’s broader strategic objectives. This should be done with the objective of enabling all banks operating in the EU to remain competitive in an increasingly fragmented global landscape. With the above in mind, we describe below some of the key priorities AFME has identified with respect to the evolution of the EU banking regulatory framework and our proposed solutions for EU policymakers to consider and work towards in the new legislative cycle.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Suggestions for promoting growth
Auf nationaler Ebene kann Deutschland weitergehende Reformen durchsetzen, um das Potenzial der Finanzmärkte gezielt auszuschöpfen, um damit Wachstum und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu stärken. Auch auf europäischer Ebene kann Deutschland zur Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit beitragen, indem es die Umsetzung der Vorschläge des Draghi-Berichts und die neue „Spar- und Investitionsunion“ aktiv mitgestaltet. Mit Blick auf die Bundestagswahl 2025 skizzieren wir vier zentrale Herausforderungen und geben konkrete Vorschläge zur Bewältigung dieser Aufgaben.
BT-Drs. 20/11898 (Vorgang) [alle RV hierzu]
Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Stabilisierung des Rentenniveaus und zum Aufbau eines Generationenkapitals für die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung (Rentenniveaustabilisierungs- und Generationenkapitalgesetz) 1. Zuständiges Ministerium: Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle RV hierzu] 2. Zuständiges Ministerium: Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS) [alle RV hierzu] -
BT-Drs. 20/14027 (Vorgang) [alle RV hierzu]
Entwurf eines Gesetzes zur Reform der steuerlich geförderten privaten Altersvorsorge und zur Einführung eines Altersvorsorgedepots (Altersvorsorgedepotgesetz) -
BR-Drs. 599/24 (Vorgang) [alle RV hierzu]
Entwurf eines Zweiten Gesetzes zur Finanzierung von zukunftssichernden Investitionen (Zweites Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz - ZuFinG II) Zuständiges Ministerium: Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle RV hierzu] -
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (1):
Versendet am 29.10.2024 an:
Mitglieder des Bundestages [alle SG dorthin]
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Suggestions for targeted improvements to the market risk framework
The revised Market Risk framework (FRTB) introduced via CRR III is challenging in particular for banks consolidating in the EU and banks operating globally in general. Besides the designated changes to the FRTB risk coverage and capitalisation, FRTB has a number of, in parts unintended, consequences which the UK and U.S. are addressing in their implementation. As a result, banks operating in the EU might see capital disadvantages that will, and partially already have, transpire into undesirable business adjustments that lead to the reduction of both product and service offering to the European industry.
- Bank- und Finanzwesen [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Binnenmarkt [alle RV hierzu];
- EU-Gesetzgebung [alle RV hierzu]
Stellungnahmen/Gutachten (2):
SG2412180048 (PDF - 25 Seiten)
Versendet am 18.12.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
SG2412180152 (PDF - 20 Seiten)
Versendet am 18.12.2024 an:
Bundesministerium der Finanzen (BMF) [alle SG dorthin]
Die Interessenvertretung wird nicht im Auftrag ausgeübt.
Geschäftsjahr: 11/22 bis 10/23
Keine Zuwendungen oder Zuschüsse über 10.000 Euro erhalten.
Geschäftsjahr: 11/22 bis 10/23
0 Euro
Geschäftsjahr: 11/22 bis 10/23
20.160.001 bis 20.170.000 Euro
Geschäftsjahr: 11/22 bis 10/23